Our home city of Berlin has been heralded as sex-positive, and while this is true, the dominant discourse revolves around hardcore tendencies within sex. Through intimate voices we examined sexualised forms and symbols, queer spaces, digital sex, queer visibility, soft protests, female pleasure, localised attitudes towards sex, emotional attachment, sexual health, our genitalia and our relationships with them, sex work and activism, the strength of nudes, sexual stigma, and fetishes.
Softness and hardness were two principle dualities that kick-started our first issue. Being soft and being hard have been considered at odds, but we are acknowledging that both ways of being are not mutually exclusive.
With over 30 contributors, this issue was formed through our personal connections with friends, friends of friends, people we've known for years and people we just met last night, people we met over skype, and people we've never even seen.